On this page you get a short description, how you can get the signature hashes of our installers and other .exe files and check them if they are correct. So you can determine if a file was downloaded completely or if there were errors during the download even if the file looks intact but does not work.
First of all check if the file size of the file matches the file size given in the download area.
Go to the folder where the downloaded file is and open the file properties by a right click on that file.
Here you see the value with the label "Size"; In the example on the left it is 20.834.936 Bytes.
If the sizes differ, the file was not downloaded correctly. Try again to download the file.
Change to the tab "Digital Signatures". Here you will find an entry with sha1 and/or sha256. Select an entry and open the details.
If the tab "Digital Signatures" is missing, then no valid digital signature could be found in the file. Either because the file is not signed yet or because the signature is damaged or invalid (This is also possible for matching file sizes. In this case try again to download the file).
If a file is signed can be seen in the download area.
Here you see if the selected certificate is valid. The name should be
"GLIWA GmbH embedded systems".
Now change to the tab "Advanced".
Here you can see the hash value of the digital signature in a readable form.
For that select the field "Message Digest" in the area "Authenticated attributes". In the field below the hash is displayed (in the example left: "04 20 ... 03 06".
In the download area there are text files (pattern: ".sha***.txt") containing the correct hashes for the selected algorithm (if the download is signed).
If the hashes are identical, you can assume that the file is valid and that it is in the exact same state we released it.
If the hashes differ, the file is damaged. In this case try the download again.